For intravenous infusion of infusion solutions
1. The tube is made of polyvinyl chloride;
2. a triangularly sharpened atraumatic needle of medical-grade steel with silicon coating for easy insertion;
3.The air duct consists of a metal needle and a polypropylene air valve. There are systems with a plastic needle (plastic needle from polypropylene for a bottle with infusion solution is combined with an air valve with a filter);
4.Drip chamber with filter to prevent the entry of unwanted particles, provides visually controlled filling;
5.Roller speed regulator;
6. an elastic adapter between the tube and the injection needle for additional drug administration;
7.Tube-to-needle connection type: Luer Lock;
8.Sterile, apirogenic, non-toxic;
9.For single use;
10.Packaging options: 25/500
11.Shelf life 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package.
- Tube length not less than 1500 mm, diameter not less than 3.5mm;
- Needle size 0,8mm * 38mm.
Instructions for use:
1. Open the individual package, close the flow regulator, remove the protective cap from the needle, insert the needle into the stopper of the bottle with the infusion drug, physiological or other solution;
2.Fill the dropper to half of the volume. 3;
Open the flow regulator and bleed the air from the extension tube of the system. The system is now ready;
4.You can adjust the flow rate with the regulator: 20 drops = 1 ml + 0.1 ml;
5.PR systems should only be used by qualified medical professionals in accordance with the rules of operation;
6.After use, dispose of according to regulations.